Cucumber and Radish Salad
With Crumbled Feta and Cumin Beet Vinaigrette

Cucumber and Radish Salad

Cucumber and Radish Salad
With Crumbled Feta and Cumin Beet Vinaigrette
For the Salad
- mixed greens (e.g spinach and arugula, but any greens will do!)
- cabbage (any color but I chose green for the light contrast)
- 1 bunch sliced radishes
- 1 handful snow peas
- 1 handful snap peas
- 1 cucumber
- 1 avocado
- 3 T fresh herbs such as cilantro, scallions and mint
- 1/4 cup crumbled Feta Cheese
- 1/4 cup chopped beets
- 1 juiced lime
- 1 tbsp hemp seeds
- 1 1/2 tsp ground cumin
- 1 tsp honey
- 1 small clove garlic
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1/2 cup neutral oil
- 1/4 cup water
- For the vinaigrette, blitz all the ingredients in a high quality blender until completely smooth in consistency. Adjust seasoning to taste and add a tablespoon of water to thin if necessary.
- Slice the Cabbage into quarters and then thinly slice each quarter into ribbons. A mandolin is most helpful to achieve successful results, but a knife will also get the job done.
- Blanch both the snow and snap peas in salted, boiling water for one minute. Run the peas under cold water when draining to shock them and retain their bright green hue. Slice the snow peas thinly, along with the radishes.
- Slice the cucumber in half and de-seed by scraping with a spoon. Slice into shapes of your choice. I chose to go with triangular wedges.
- When you are ready to eat, slice one avocado and roughly chop the herbs. Toss all ingredients together and top with crumbled feta cheese. Douse in delactible bright pink dressing.